Morten Klementsen 2

  Morten Klementsen 2

artist profile

Graphic designer Morten Klementsen mainly uses digital production in his art. Since Klementsen has extensive experience in the advertising industry and is trained as a graphic designer from the MI advertising school, he has a good knowledge of "the graphic laws", and can therefore also break some of these, in order to create art. His strength in the world of art is primarily his well-developed skills and intuition. The artist is fond of colour, and he likes to challenge his audience. Klementsen is selling his digital art on international online sales sites and is considered the "senior" in digital art. Klementsen was born in 1964 in Bergen, he has a professional background as a founder and in sales and marketing. Morten grew up on Strilalandet in Leiknes in Osterfjorden, near Bergen, Norway. He is "popularly elected ombudsman", which is a title he likes better than Politician. Morten sits on the municipal council and in the Chairmanship in Alver municipality and is also elected to the County Council in Vestland. He is also a member of it The Business Committee and he also sits on the County Committee, which corresponds to the chairmanship.

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